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Powering the Future: Decentralized Power Generation with Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and Multiple

CHP | Decentralized Power Generation | Energy Storage

This week we will discuss decentralized power generation as a conceptual piece which sits within the landscape of microgeneration and local energy generation. The objective of this article is to discuss energy optimization through local applications of combined heat & power (CHP) in concert with energy storage & energy deployment systems.

Let’s Begin With CHP:

As the name implies, a greater quantity of energy can be extracted from the same amount of fuel input by scavenging and properly using thermal and electrical energy already generated by the method of action for any type of internal combustion machine.

CHP suffers from an image problem due to the implied complexities presented in the design stage through to execution. Traditionally, CHP has only been considered for large scale or industrial uses. The applicability of this technology from 50kW up to several GW comes down to the design and willingness of stakeholders to take a holistic approach to their specific energy balance.

As a technologically forward thinking company, we seek to rectify the misunderstanding by demonstrating the proper application of the concept. With several turn-key factory supported solutions available from Siemens Energy, it is significantly easier to integrate than previously.

Decentralized Power Generation (DPG), The Main Event:

DPG has gained increasing attention as a sustainable and efficient approach to meet ever growing energy needs. One of the most promising technologies in decentralized power generation is CHP, also known as cogeneration. CHP systems produce both electricity and usable heat simultaneously, maximizing energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to CHP, integrating multiple technologies can further enhance the performance and benefits of decentralized power generation, unlocking new opportunities for efficient and sustainable energy solutions.

CHP systems are known for their high efficiency, as they utilize waste heat from electricity generation for heating or cooling purposes, resulting in an overall energy utilization of up to 90%. However, by combining CHP with other technologies, such as renewable energy sources and energy storage, the system's performance can be further optimized, resulting in a more reliable and sustainable power supply.

Complimentary Technology:

Renewable energy sources, such as biogas/biomass energy production, can complement CHP systems by providing additional electricity generation capacity. Typically these sources depend on feedstock inputs which do not easily lend stable production at a micro scale. A steady state base loading system can accept this variance. Gas production can be stored and consumed during periods of higher demand. During periods of low electricity demand, excess renewable energy from solar or wind sources can be stored in batteries or other energy storage systems, and then used to supplement the CHP system during peak demand periods. This ensures a continuous and reliable power supply while maximizing the utilization of renewable energy.

Energy Storage As Leverage:

Energy storage technologies play a crucial role in optimizing the performance of decentralized power generation systems. They allow for storing excess energy during times of low demand and releasing it during peak demand periods, improving the system's efficiency and flexibility. Energy storage technologies, such as batteries, flywheels, and thermal storage can be integrated into CHP systems to store excess electricity or heat. Using these batteries or thermal sinks in parallel with generation sources multiply total capacity. When storage systems are utilized during periods of high demand or low generation, they reduce the need for additional energy generation capacity typically wasted as sunk capital cost. By enhancing the system's “thermal and electrical inertia”, the overall performance is greatly increased without requiring underused PG assets.

Optimizing Energy Pathways:

In addition to renewable energy and energy storage, other technologies can also be integrated into CHP systems to further enhance the system performance. For example, advanced control systems, such as microgrids and smart grid technologies, can optimize the operation of CHP systems by managing the generation, storage, and consumption of electricity and heat. This allows for better coordination and control of energy flows, resulting in improved system efficiency and reliability.

Furthermore, technologies such as waste heat recovery systems, heat pumps, and absorption chillers can also be integrated into CHP systems to further utilize waste heat and provide additional heating, cooling, or refrigeration capabilities. This increases the overall energy utilization of the system and provides additional benefits in terms of energy savings and cost reduction.

What's The Big Idea?

Decentralized Power Generation with CHP and multiple technologies offers a promising approach to achieve efficient, reliable, and sustainable energy solutions. By integrating renewable energy sources, energy storage, advanced control systems, waste heat recovery, and other technologies into CHP systems, businesses and industries can optimize their energy generation, storage, and consumption. The combined efforts result in improved performance, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and increased cost savings. As the energy landscape continues to evolve, embracing and leveraging multiple technologies in decentralized power generation can help pave the way towards a greener and more sustainable future.

For more information and updates on our efforts to become a leader in this space please visit Blog post available here.


  1. U.S. Department of Energy. (2021). Combined Heat and Power Basics. Retrieved from

  2. Alliance for Industrial Efficiency. (2019). Combined Heat and Power and Renewables: Boosting Energy Efficiency and Resilience. Retrieved from

  3. U.S. Department of Energy. (2021). Energy Storage Basics. Retrieved from

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